For as long as NUAA has been around (since 1989), we’ve been producing harm reduction publications. Our key resources are our two magazines, our flagship mag User’s News and our magazine for those in jail Insider's News.
We have also produced or contributed to a range of resources including posters, videos, postcards, websites, brochures, booklets and t-shirts on harm reduction themes. Some examples are our overdose posters and info cards; our harm reduction videos on Youtube; the Driving Safety website; our hep C treatment posters; our Shoot Clean t-shirts and postcards; and the Opiate Treatment Program Consumer Guidelines. Call NUAA on 8354 7300 to see what is available.
User's News
NUAA has a long history of producing harm reduction publications, with the first issue of NUAA News published in 1991
Insider's News
Insider’s News is a harm reduction resource that is solely distributed through NSW correctional centres.