Insider’s News
The success of User’s News has led to a new NUAA’s publication Insider’s News, with the first copy launched in December 2016. Insider’s News is a harm reduction resource that is solely distributed through NSW correctional centres. The aim is to both pass on harm reduction messages and give a voice to our members who are currently incarcerated.
NUAA encourages community members to submit stories, poems, drawings, or suggest article ideas. The content aims to listen to and address issues of concern to people who use illicit drugs in NSW.
Issue #5 of Insider's News, on hepatitis C prevention and treatment won the Centre for Social Research in Health's 2019 prize for excellence in Hepatitis C health promotion (editor Leah McLeod is pictured on the right holding the award).
To contact Insider's News, phone (02) 8354 7300 or 1800 644 413 (free call except on mobiles), or use our contact form.