NUAA is a peer-based organisation governed, staffed and led by people with lived experience of drug use. Our vision statement is “to advance the health, human rights and dignity of people who use or have used illicit drugs.” We provide information, education and support for drug users; promote the development of legislation and policies to improve drug users’ social and economic well-being; and improve the quality and standards of services available to drug users.
By becoming a NUAA member, you add to the voices of people who use drugs, helping us be heard from the grassroots to policy-making levels. As a community organisation, NUAA depends on maintaining a strong and active membership made up of people who support the association's aims and objectives. NUAA membership is open to anyone interested in the issues affecting people who use drugs illicitly.
As an incorporated association, NUAA maintains a confidential register of members. You can read our constitution for more details.
Become a member
You can apply to join online by filling in the form below, or you can print off a NUAA membership form and post it to PO Box 350, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 or deliver it to 267 Broadway NSW 2037 (corner of Broadway and Glebe Point Road). Membership is $10, but if you are facing financial hardship, please write this on your membership form, and the Board can waive the fee. (You can pay the $10 by using the “donate” button at the bottom of the website, in the footer.)
Annual General Meetings
NUAA’s AGM occurs in the second half of each year. Membership entitles you to vote at the AGM. It also means that you can stand or nominate other members for positions on the NUAA Board of Governance, which meets regularly to oversee the organisation's direction, management, and finances.
Once the NUAA Board of Governance has accepted your membership application, we will notify you by mail or email. You will also automatically and digitally receive our publication, User’s News.
Ways to get involved
You can:
Be invited to take part in research interviews or consumer consultation groups that NUAA might be asked to organise from time to time.
Take part in the Peer Participation Project and volunteer your time to work at NUAA in the NSP or office in the context of a training and development program. Contact us to express your interest.
Get involved in peer training or community events. Check our calendar on our home page for details.
Contribute to User’s News. Call (02) 9171 6650 or use our contact form to get in touch for information on how to write, draw, be interviewed or attend a consultation.
If you want more information about becoming more involved in NUAA, please contact us or ring (02) 9171 6650.