Accessing OTP

There are three options for accessing OTP in NSW: public clinics, private clinics, and through a doctor or nurse practitioner (such as a GP, psychiatrist, or drug and alcohol specialist). The most common prescribing/dispensing combination is doctor/pharmacy. However, some doctors may require you to dose at a public clinic first until your medication is stable, so you can take advantage of the specialist care a clinic offers.

Pharmacies usually have long and flexible hours, although some may only dispense OTP medications at certain times. It is up to individual pharmacies how much they charge, and it can range from $25 - $60 per week. Some may also charge a one-off admin fee. They don’t usually charge extra for takeaways. Keep in mind that they can stop dispensing to you for any reason. If this happens, you will have to transfer to another dosing point. It is important to find a clinic or doctor that you feel comfortable with.

To get help finding an OTP provider, you can call ADIS on 1800 422 599 (open 24 hours a day) or the Opioid Treatment Line (OTL) on 1800 642 428 (open Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm). They have large databases of clinics, GPs and pharmacists supporting OTP.

For more details on your options, check out the chart below. You can read more in User’s News about the different options in accessing OTP.