Our Mission: To advance the health, human rights and dignity of people who use or have used illicit drugs.
The NSW Users and AIDS Association (NUAA) is a peer-based drug user organisation. NUAA strives to improve our advocacy for, and services supporting, the diversity of people impacted by stigma and discrimination caused by the criminalisation of drug use across NSW through working with a broad range of stakeholders and partners to support system change.
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Needle and Syringe Program
Our NSP is staffed by peers (people with lived experience of injecting drug use) so they are knowledgeable and non judgemental. The NSP is also home to Open Clinic on Crown, a nurse-led primary health care clinic.
DanceWize NSW
DanceWize NSW provides peer-based harm reduction at festivals in NSW through the provision of Crowd Care, Education, Roving, Training and Advocacy.
PeerLine is a confidential peer-run telephone service providing support to people who use drugs, who are on the opioid treatment program or who are seeking treatment across NSW.
Outreach and Peer Support
NUAA travels throughout NSW to deliver and distribute injecting equipment through established networks in line with the NSW Needle and Syringe Programs Guidelines. Our network of volunteers and peer workers receive training, advice and support as they develop into peer professionals who will pass the empowerment, safety and right-to-health approach along and through their networks and connections.
ConnectED - Training for Peer Workers
ConnectED provides specialist peer support and professional development opportunities for people in the lived or living experience Alcohol and other Drugs workforce in NSW.
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Contact Us
Postal address
P.O. Box 350, Strawberry Hills, 2012
(02) 9171 6650
PeerLine inquiries
1800 644 413 (Free call)
NUAA Offices: 267 Broadway, NSW, 2037
Phone: (02) 9171 6650
NUAA NSP: 345 Crown St, Surry Hills NSW 2010
Phone: (02) 9171 6650